2. How to navigate this blog

If you have not taken a self-guided online course before, we suggest that you take the Is Online Learning For You?  questionnaire before you begin. Click on the bold, green words. If you are satisfied that online learning is for you, please continue. If you think that taking an online course will be too difficult, please contact your local literacy organization and sign up for an onsite training.

As you progress through this course, you will find that you can navigate this course either by clicking links on the sidebar or scrolling to the bottom of the page to find directional links. The home icon in the sidebar (see below) will take you to the home page, where you can start over.

Here are some quick tips for navigating this course
  • Colored bold words are live links and lead to other websites and pages. Once you click on the link, return to the home page by clicking your back arrow at the top left of the screen.

  • You can either scroll down from page to page using your mouse or the scroll bar to the right (place your cursor on the bar - see circle), or click in the archived links under "Units" in the side bar.

Scroll bar

  • You can also toggle between pages by using the arrows in your tool bar. These arrows will help you navigate between pages. See the illustration below, where the arrows are encircled.
Navigational arrows

  • Clicking on the blog header at the top of the page will take you to the home page. 
  • Live links that do not have "Optional" written in front of them are required. Sometimes a link will say, look here for an example. Such a link is required and you will be expected to click on it. (Note: the above link leads to a YouTube video in which an adult learner discusses his struggles.)
  • Optional links describe a topic further. Although they are not required, they are still worth visiting.
  • Click on "comments" at the lower left corner of a post to write your own comments for discussion, or to read others' comments. This is the only way your trainer or mentor will know if you've completed a section. You will be able to see the number of comments that sit in a page.
If you are unable to proceed, please contact your trainer or mentor at your local program, or (if you are a Virginia program) call

The Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center
Ask for Victoire Sanborn, the Literacy Support Director.
Email her at vjsanbor@vcu.edu

We'll gladly guide you through the process!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Intro complete

Biltz said...

Intro finished

Unknown said...

Easy to navigate this blog

lillian said...

So far, so good.

Pat said...

intro completed

Mardet said...

The online test is a neat idea and the questions are good.

Marian said...

Intro completed.

neg said...

intro complete

ChrisPrit said...


SNelson said...

Having a little difficulty with Verizon orientation, can't seem to get to the page!

GW said...

OK so far.

Claire said...


Anonymous said...


R. Beall said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
R. Beall said...

Intro finished

Sara Lindley said...

Intro complete. Looks like its simple.

Sara Lindley said...

Intro complete. Looks like its simple.

Sriram Santhana krishnan said...

Done with intro!