4. Required Activity

Now, look at the four units in this online course. You can do this by clicking on the links below. Remember to toggle back and forth using your back arrow.

Unit One: The Adult Learner

Unit Two: Teaching Reading to Adults

Unit Three: Teaching Writing to Adults

Unit Four: Tools for Tutoring Adults

In which unit do you expect your key questions to be addressed? Which areas in each unit do you know nothing about? In which areas will you feel confident as a volunteer tutor?
  • Compare the sequence of the workshop to the key questions that you’ve jotted down. Where in the workshop will they be covered? Write down any topics that are missing or concerns you have in the comment section.

  • Next, please focus on the estimated time it will take to complete this workshop – 14 hours. Do you think realistically that you will be able to complete this course? List some obstacles you think you might encounter, and use this list for your next assignment.

Required Assignment

Figure out how you might overcome your obstacles to your completing this online training. List what you think you will need in order to keep up your motivation to continue, no matter how hectic your personal life might become. Click on "comments" and post your thoughts. Then read what others have to say.

Optional viewing: Watch this 6 minute video about Illiteracy in America, a portion of which was filmed by ABC News.



tutorgirl said...

I had a little difficulty in learning to navigate the site. The first section took me a long time because I got into the online learning section.

I feel that because I am new to this position, Adult Literacy and tutor training that I will find good information in all the sections.

puddlefrog said...

this is a test

puddlefrog said...

The biggest obstacle for me is that there is always something important that I plan to do first, before I turn my attention to this. I need to pick something enjoyable to associate with doing this training, like a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine) and put in the web address before I pour.

Unknown said...

Can't think of any obstacles that would cause me not to complete this14 hour training course

BOC said...

I got bogged down in the online learning section. There was a lot of info I didn't need, but then it got into Blackboard at VCC, and I skipped that since I don't think I will need that. If I do, please let me know!

I am not a teacher, but have taught ESOL before. I expect to pick up some practical tips to help me in this course. I have no reason at this point to think I won't be able to finish in 14 hours.

Jesse said...

I shouldn't have any problem completing the course. I just need to stay focused, set reasonable goals and make sure they are met. I have the time, now it's just a matter of getting started.

lillian said...

I am having some trouble navigating but expect to improve.

Pat said...


Gerri said...

I do not foresee any real obstacles. I will try to devote some time to it each day that I am home, until I complete it.

Laura said...

My biggest obstacle will be setting a schedule and sticking to it. But I have no doubt I will finish this course!

Unknown said...

No problem.

Unknown said...

I tend to lose focus once I get on the computer between email, AIM, facebook, etc. I just need to focus on this training and not wander to another site in the middle of it.

Mardet said...

Having no prior teaching experience and having been a history major, starting a program dealing with literacy is just a bit frightening.

The obstacles facing me are definitely surmountable. This program will help give me the basic skills to start and provide me with ideas of where to seek more training.

Lia Keston said...

I anticipate only two obstacles - internet connectivity issues (which I think I finally have resolved) and my occasionally hectic schedule. However, with time management and prioritization, this shouldn't be much of a problem.

Hugh Fielding said...

The whole concept of this online literacy tutor training has been very well thought through. It is an excellent resource.

Marian said...

I am highly motivated so I will have no problem completing the course.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I plan to block out 2-3 hours each day to complete the course. Hope to finish in 7-10 days.

Ms. Educator said...

I have been taking online classes for many years now, so I'm familiar with pros and cons that go along with it. I am a very disciplined person, and I'm looking forward to my future as an Adult Literary Tutor.

moi said...

I don't anticipate any real difficulties with completing the materials as I have been taking online courses for over a year.

Unknown said...

No worries. I'm motivated.

TGLowe said...

Sounds like a good way to learn the basics of adult literacy tutoring at my own pace.

ChrisPrit said...

The only problem that I could foresee is that I am a somewhat busy person. I have other volunteer positions to maintain AND my education, along with friends, family and the like.

Other than that, though, I'm excited.

ChrisPrit said...

Also, I think most of my concerns and questions will be addressed in the fourth unit about the "tools" to tutoring adults. I'm the most worried about the method itself.

Meghan said...

I can imagine myself having difficulty in keeping my momentum going as I move through this course. It's one thing when you're in school and completing assignments, but it's another thing entirely when you're working 9 to 5 and trying to balance outside responsibilities with the course. However, this scenario is exactly what adult learners face every day, only to a much greater degree, and this is what will keep me motivated.

sefutrell said...

My biggest difficulty will arise from procrastination. Even though I want to complete this course, and need to do so in order to volunteer, it is easy for me to push what I need to do aside so that I can do something more "fun". By focusing on what needs to be done, rather than what I necessarily want to do, it will be much easier to complete this course.

SNelson said...

The motivation is there, yet sometimes I put too many things on my plate. Yet this is an important goal for me to complete in order to help my homeless clients obtain the self confidence they lack in overcoming many obstacles!

retirednotdead said...

I want to see what each section has to offer.

Megan N said...

I really enjoyed the video. I had no idea how many people were illiterate and it makes me want to help even more.

Anonymous said...

The biggest obstacles will be ensuring that I am able to manage my daily or weekly schedule to ensure I have the needed time. Though this will not be that difficult, this will be my biggest obstacle.

lizbeth rakaczky said...

Balancing family and work at this busy time of my daughter's graduation and other family celebrations/travel are difficult even without this course. However, I will try to make a priority of 1-2 hours/day because I believe this work is important.

LG said...

I have the time set aside this week and I hope to finish the training during that time. I'm looking forward very much to filling in some holes in my knowledge, especially in the techniques of teaching reading and writing.

Unknown said...

I find that studying independently always poses a little bit of a challenge, because the only person I'm accountable to is myself. However, I think the key to overcoming that is to set aside a certain time to work on the training workshop each day, and really stick to it.

Unknown said...

I find that random interruptions, boredom, sleepiness, and lack of concentration will discourage me from continuing the course but coffee, frequent breaks, and a little bit of music will help me overcome these obstacles and complete the training.

Dan said...

My motivation is desire to get placed with a student. The key is budgeting my time and not getting distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Aimee said...

My obstacles are having access to a computer at home and making it a priority to complete the course. I plan to focus on the goal - the positive difference, the potential.

Anonymous said...

I have few obstacles involved in the completion of this course, but the biggest one may be staying on track. In addition to completing this online course, I also plan to do an in person session.

Anonymous said...

I am a retired EC Teacher. I have had previous training and certification. Working with ESL adult students. My teaching license is current but the ESL classes were several years ago. So this course will be helpful for me to volunteer locally and at my church as well as programs around my home.

Anonymous said...

The biggest obstacle for me is eliminate distractions. Have my supplies ready and commit to completing a set task by a set time.

Sara Lindley said...

I was shocked at the statistics. It made e cry.

JonS said...

No obvious obstacles yet.

Unknown said...

I think the units look really well devised and seem to cover all the questions I had about tutoring adult literacy. I foresee staying focused being an obstacle for this course but I hope to overcome it by remembering what I will do with this information.

Michael O said...

The greatest obstacle to me in completing this course is my own attention span. I am easily distracted, and find myself daydreaming far too often. In order to overcome this, I will take short breaks when I feel my mind beginning to wander. This will break up any monotony in the course.

I also plan to listen to music, which should keep me awake and focused.

Unknown said...

I was surprised by how much illiteracy effects your health and how many people dont tell those closest to them.

Unknown said...

Jason Neverdon
I will overcome my obstacles in tutor training by asking my friends, neighbors, and family for help. I will use my other internet resources to get more detailed information to overcome areas of difficulty. Finally, I will email my fellow team members and supervisors for guidance as needed.

editor said...

I don't foresee any obstacles to completing the training. Maintaining motivation will not be a problem either.

Unknown said...

I do not anticipate any obstacles, but I am a little worried about time. My schedule can get hectic at times, but I do not think time will be a big enough factor to keep me from being successful.

Unknown said...

I have to stay focused. When time not permitting for long study just chip away until completed

Unknown said...

Luckily I'm good with computers and understand the site well enough. The statistics are astounding. I'm looking forward to completing the program, just need to eliminate distractions.

Unknown said...

I foresee no obstacles in completing this course. I'm looking forward to learning more effective techniques for tutoring adults, especially in the area of writing instruction.

Joe said...

Required Activity:
1. Unit Three: Teaching Writing to Adults
2. Connection between Reading and Writing
3. Tools for Tutoring Adults
4. Unit Two and Unit Three
5. "I don't know." I need to Buckle Down.

Joe said...

6. Obstacles: Time

Anonymous said...

I will need to set aside a certain amount of time per week to get this course done. If I stick to this goal, I should have no problem putting the work in to get it done!

Emily Awada said...

While I am looking forward to completing this course, I struggle reading from a screen for long periods of time. If I have a physical book, my eyes do not tire as quickly. I think I will need to be mindful of when my eyes are tired and be sure to rest them so I am able to fully comprehend all the material.

Emily Awada said...

Although I am excited to learn about this material, my eyes become tired when reading from a screen. I'll need to be mindful and gives my eyes necessary breaks to ensure I comprehend all the material.

Anonymous said...

The word focus resonates with me. In a busy week, I must rid myself of distractions and concentrate on completing the tasks. I am having problems with a computer that doesn't want to open the checklist, so that may be an issue.