5. Summary

Congratulations! You have just completed the introduction to this online training! Navigating through this section has made you familiar with using Blogger. If you found navigation easy, then you will have no problems taking the rest of this course. If you encountered many difficulties, please contact your technical mentor for help.
Now that you have considered this training and considered some of the obstacles of taking this online course, let’s get started! The next unit will help you to understand your student as a learner and your strengths as a tutor.

NOTE: Before you begin

If you wish to receive a tutor training certificate, you MUST register with a local literacy program and inform them that you are taking this online workshop. Your local trainer or program manager is the only person who can judge if you have learned the tutoring concepts well enough to be certified. Virginia tutors please ask your local trainer or program manager to contact the Resource Center for a certificate. The contact information and email sit on the sidebar.

If you are not continuing this training, please fill out our short survey. This will help us with future planning!


Unknown said...

Completed Introduction to on-line training

lillian said...

completed introduction

Ms. Ovette said...

Okay, that's done.

Ms. Ovette said...

Okay, that's done.

Mardet said...

Hurray--I am ready to start.

Marian said...

Ready to move on!

Anonymous said...

step 1

ChrisPrit said...

Very excited to begin learning.


Meghan said...

Completed introduction and ready to move on!

SNelson said...

Intro completed

Anonymous said...

Completed Introduction to Online Training.

I think that a challenge for me in taking an online course is making time in my schedule for it even though I do not have a daily class block for it. I will face this challenge by building in time to work on the online course during the hour or two before my tutoring sessions. This way, I will have it blocked into my schedule every week and will be going to tutoring with the course fresh in my mind!

Claire said...


sharla7169 said...

Completed introduction. Eye-opening.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I've finished the introduction, and I think the primary obstacle that I will have to overcome to complete the training is to feel like I'm actually learning something new and useful and not just checking off blocks.

Unknown said...

The main obstacle for me is my busy schedule and finding time in which to complete the course. This obstacle will be tackled easily by setting aside an hour every morning for the program until it is completed.

Anonymous said...

Ready to start tutoring adults, and to have an impact on lives.

Anonymous said...

completed 09/15/2014

Unknown said...

The Intro was very easy to complete.

Unknown said...

Tutoring is something that has helped people in so many ways. With our day becoming more and more advanced, tutoring can be done in various parts around the world with out having to leave your home. This is something I'll have to remember when I start school next fall.


Unknown said...

An obstacle will be making time. But, I make the time for things that are my priorities. So,since I consider this a top priority, I must schedule the time and commit to keeping the schedule.

Unknown said...

I can schedule time and make this a priority in order to overcome the obstacle related to having enough time.

Unknown said...

Sitting through all the sections and giving them my undivided attention will definitely be a challenge. However, my motivation will be thinking of all the participants I will be tutoring with the help of this training.